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绝妙方法激发你对生活的热爱Great Ways to Generate Love for Your Life

时间:2016-08-18 15:36:26 来源:中国英语作文网

1. Beoptimistic. Think of life in the best light, and find the better side of anysituation. You would be amazed at how much more there is in life than the usualnegative side.


2. Live every present moment to the fullest.Don't waste a single second being sad, or bored, or even lonely. Get out anddance, and sing as if your life depends on it. You never know how long it isgoing to last.


3. Be of serviceto others and forget about yourself. Always give more than you receive, andshare with others. Do less for yourself, and more for the others around you.Also when you do the right thing you feel fantastic.


4. Be kind to everyone. Kindness is the truekey to unlocking your own happiness and joy.When others notice your kindness, they will pleasingly return it. Makeas many friends as you can, and help them when they are down, as you never knowwhen you will need them when times are hard.


5. Be quiet andmeditate on life. Sometimes just sit or stand somewhere peacefully and thinkabout what you have achieved, what you are about to achieve, or what you wantto achieve, and sometimes your mindwill hit you. You will feel more respect for life.


6. Try to laugh often. This is probably themost important point in this piece of writing. Laughter is the most importantthing in life. Laugh frequently and smile often.


7. Live in thepresent. Forget about the past, because there is nothing you can do about it.Don't worry about the future, as you build it with each present moment, and ifyou forget to live in the moment, you would be surprised at how quickly you'dmissed the good times. 7.活在当下。忘记过去吧,因为过去的事情你已经无法改变。不要担心未来,因为你正在用现在的每一刻创造看未来。如果你忘了活在当下的话,你会惊讶地发现,美好的时光是如此之快地与你擦身而过。

8. Do what youenjoy. If you have wanted to learn something, or seek improving on a skill youalready have, just go for it! Don't let anyone stop you from doing what youlove, and if you really feel comfortable doing it, then don't hold back. As ifyou do, you are going to regret it later.
